Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Our Kitties

So we have 2 wonderful kitties, who we have been snapping up a bunch of pictures of lately. Pizi especially is very photogenic, Xiao tends to run away from the camera whenever we pull it out. Being a girl, I think she is just scared of looking like a porker! Anyway, they amuse us a lot, and possibly spend more time with us than any other pet we have ever had before. Pizi is especially loving, and while they both sleep with us every night, Pizi has a need to sleep under the covers next to us. Xiao is a little less affectionate, as she had a very difficult life on the streets before being taken in by Bark Taiwan. Bark is the great company based out of Kaohsiung that took in Pizi and Xiao. Animals in Taiwan get mistreated a lot, and many become street animals. Bark helps as many of these as they can, especially the injured one as there are just too many for a little company to help, and also help with neutering street animals to try to cut the population. So if your interested in a Taiwanese pet, they are a great place to adopt from! Well, we have a lot of great pictures of them, so here are some.

Life here has been back to normal. However, on Sunday night I was going to hop in the shower, and I was standing there, and standing there waiting for the water to get hot. Nothing happening. Two minutes later, nothing happening. Decided to give it a bit, maybe it was a fluke, and it would turn on later. Our electricity was on, our gas was working, so we had no clue what was happening. After a frigid shower, we forgot to mention it on Monday! So we had another day of feeling like we were jumping into a Minnesota lake in April when we showered, to discover when we asked a Taiwanese co-worker that our hot water heater is run off batteries! The kind you get at 7-11. Matt ran and got some, and all fixed! We could not believe that hot water here is run off batteries, and we went without hot showers for two days with something that was fixed for 2 USD at 7-11. So that is our only interesting story of the last few days. Hope everything is going great for everyone back home!

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