Sunday, March 13, 2011

Kenting-Mom and Pat part 2

Kenting is an absolutely beautiful place. Even in the low season, it being winter, it was like 80 degrees every day. I guess during summer it gets to over 100, which would be way too hot to do hiking, or really anything other than beach, in my opinion. But I have a very low tolerance for heat. We stayed at a beautiful place on a hill over South Bay in Nanwan. The first day we got there we just hung out in the water and on the beach...until we were kicked off due to a tsunami warning! We went back to our place, sat on the porch some talking to the other guests and watching the news, keeping an eye on the Japan earthquake and seeing if it would affect us. Well, it really didnt hit Taiwan much. The guy who owns the hostel, Achi, is a surfer and he said that the waves the next day were a lot more powerful than they are on a normal day. We also felt a little bit of it when we were playing in the water, or so we think. The waves got pretty strong for just playing in the water. We also went up to Kenting National Forest. Sadly, or stupidly on our part, our camera was not as charged as we had thought, so we didnt get that many pictures :( Mom and Pats cameras were with low batteries as well, so all of us missed out on a lot of pictures we would have taken otherwise. It was really gorgeous, and there was some really neat caves that we didnt get any pictures of. The trees and rocks and everything are absolutely beautiful in the forest. It was just a fabulous place. We rented scooters for the day and explored, and the whole area is just beautiful. Scarily though, Matt and I were coming back from breakfast back to our place, and we saw a snake! A really gross, like a 5 foot long black snake. We tried to figure out what it was, but couldnt decide for sure. We told Achi, but he didnt know either 100%. Could have been a cobra, or could have been this other one that tries to steal chicken eggs from his neighbor. Im just glad it slithered off. Sure gave me the heebie-jeebies though.

Overall, we had a great time! Kenting is such a beautiful place. I wish we would have been able to take more pictures, and stay for another week or so, but we will be back! Its a great, relaxing vacation, and a great place to just hang out and catch up with people!

Sorry, we will be posting pictures shortly. The web album site is not working right now, but as soon as it is we will get them up. Thanks!

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