Friday, April 1, 2011

Some sweet souvenirs!

We have picked up some souvenirs here in Taiwan that we really like. I think my favorite is a mask that we got at Taroko Gorge in Hualien when Tasha and Jeff were visiting. It's about 14 inches high, and is designed in one of the aboriginal peoples traditional way. I cant remember which it is, but I believe that it is the Ayatal people. We also picked up a cool tea pot, which is good for making the loose tea, not the kind in bags that we are so used to in the states. We havent used it too much, but I think we are just not in the habit of it. We also have gotten a cool dragon scroll, and a Buddha. There have been little trinkets here and there as well, but we didnt feel like posting any of those. Hope everything is going great back home! Miss you all! Also, our cats were being sweeties again. They amuse us to no end!

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