Friday, November 5, 2010

Shrimp Fishing

Hello again,

So we finally got to go shrimp fishing! Something that I have wanted to do since I discovered we were going to be coming to Taiwan, and it was as amazing as I thought it was. It’s a relatively inexpensive activity, a lot cheaper than going to a KTV or bar. You can rent a pole, or you just pay for two hours at a time. Everything you catch you put on the grill when your time is up and eat! We went with some of our fellow NST’s, which was a good thing as we are not professional fisherman like most of the Taiwanese that were there. One guy pulled up 27 shrimp by himself! As a group of eight, I believe we got 16 or 17. The very nice man gave us some of his shrimp, which are absolutely amazing. How you cook it up is wash the shrimp, put some salt on it, put it on a rack, and throw it on the grill! The shrimp are really huge, unlike anything I have seen back home! The “small” ones are like four inches long, and the large ones are like ten to twelve inches long. As a group we got two really large ones, Andy and Nicole (who were fishing together) and a different Matt caught two that must have been at least a couple pounds. The first catch was very exciting for everyone! A nice man helped me, so I never completely got a catch by myself. They did teach us some shrimp fishing techniques though. I look forward to going again. The fishing was a lot of fun, place it tastes absolutely amazing!

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