Friday, November 12, 2010


Earthquake!! It finally happened. We experienced our first earthquake. It wasn’t a strong one, only a 4.7, but it was still exciting and very creepy. So were just watching a little TV at night before getting ready for bed, and we started to hear the doors and cabinets and everything rattling. It started to shake everything, and we could feel the building swaying back and forth. It wasn’t a strong sway, but it was still a very creepy feeling, especially being on the 8th floor of a building. A co-worker of ours mentioned that since he has been here, some have been strong enough that he has fallen out of bed. Now that would be really scary! It’s really an indescribable feeling, for people who haven’t experienced one; I don’t think I could describe the creepy-ness of the feeling. I’m sure it’s something that people just get used to and it doesn’t even faze them, but being from Minnesota, it definitely was a rush for us.

We dont have any really exciting plans for this weekend. The weather is really crappy right now. It has been raining all day, so we don’t really have any big plans for when Matt gets done teaching. It is not fun to ride scooter in the rain, so it might be lazy evening in. Hopefully its nicer tomorrow. That’s all for now! Love and miss you all!

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