Tuesday, October 19, 2010


So we have got a scooter!! Just a day ago, so we just took a few pictures of it so you could get an idea. It’s a 125cc Yamaha something or other. We have been taking it on some adventures around Changhua, which has been a lot of fun! We have spent several hours with just the wind in our hair since we got it…seeing some things we have seen before, but with a different perspective, and many things we have yet to see. We went and visited all of Baguashan Scenic Area tonight, which has some cool stuff. Unfortunately, it got dark so that picture taking became impossible at a point, although there were many cool things we saw we didn’t photograph. We also ate some really good squid, ostrich, and sashimi at a place in town that was before a very long, long walk. Here are a few pictures, I hope you enjoy!!

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