Sunday, October 31, 2010

Hiking in Changhua

So, today we did a little bit of hiking. We just went back up Mt. Bagua in Changhua to explore some more trails. There are quite a few, several miles worth anyways. So today we went up, intending to explore this area with some really cool planes, but instead stumbled upon this exhausting trail. There was easily 150 stairs, just on the section that we hiked. Wasn’t so bad going down, but it was terrible going up. The pollution wasn’t terrible either, so from the top of the mountain we could see all the way to Taichung. We were so tired from hiking back up the stairs that we didn’t even really explore the airplanes very much. We just wanted to get something cold to drink, so we headed back home. I am still scared to try sometimes some of the random things around town, so I mostly stick to bottled beverages instead of the stuff random carts will sell. Plus you don’t know what you’re getting. Matt and I tried a tea up at the Buddha a few weeks ago, that was really unique to say the least. Can’t really even say what the flavor was supposed to be, and it wasn’t horrible, but I like to know what I am getting. This is why we don’t play restaurant roulette as much as we used to. I am hoping to start learning Chinese soon, more than what I just pick up in school and stuff. There are a few places I have been picking stuff up, and I think I will be learning more formally soon. Best wishes to everyone at home!

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