Thursday, June 2, 2011


On Sunday we went with Andy, Vlad, and Ellen to a waterfall outside Taichung. It was a little over an hour drive on our scooter. It was a pretty boring drive for the most part. Its was all boring suburbs and city until the other side of Taichung. Then it did get a little pretty out in the countryside, and then we arrived! It was quite the scramble up and over rocks to get to the waterfall, and by the time that we arrived we were all quite hot and sweaty and ready to get in the cool water. Not being prepared I didnt wear a swimsuit, so I just jumped in the water in my clothes! It was hot and sunny enough to dry them pretty quickly. It was a really beautiful day, and we were lucky enough to have the waterfall mostly to ourselves for the first hour or so. After that people started to come, and we had a couple large groups of people. At the falls there was a rope so that you could climb to the top and jump off into the pool at the bottom. Andy and Vlad both did it, it was really funny to see Vlad who is terrified of heights scrambling up the falls and jump into the water. Wish we could have got it on video, he thought we were ready so he jumped, but we werent! When some Taiwanese people showed up, some of them were crazy! Jumping off the fall and doing belly flops, flips and other stuff. One of them got very close to hitting the opposite wall with his foot in his flip. Some of the girls had little floaties, climbed partially down the fall, and then slid on their butts down the rest of the falls. It was a very cool place, and we really hope to be able to go back! Another reason to go back is Andy said the last time he was there a bunch of loud monkeys were there as well, I would love to see that! I love monkeys, and have yet to see one here. We had been there maybe 2.5 hours when we decided to head back. At the base of the hill before the bigger falls there was some people fishing for shrimp and some pretty little rapids. Some people had grills and some food set up on the flat areas. There were so many boulders in that valley, so it was easy to find a somewhat private spot to hang out at. On our way back we stopped in Taichung at an ice shop. Its not like slushies back home, its quite a bit better. We split three bowls between the five of us, a mango, strawberry, and a chocolate/peanut. My favorite was the chocolate and peanut one. Very refreshing.

It was a great day! If you click on the pictures you can see my comments about each one. This Saturday through Tuesday we will be in Kenting, so look for some more pictures soon!

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