Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Definition of Irony

So we had a very ironic thing happen to us this week. We were very happy that two of our co-workers decided to purchase our second scooter! We could use the extra money to get some stuff when we are home visiting you all :) So we went with them, got the name and registration changed, and gave them the bike! Yay! Eight hours later we are coming home from dinner, and our scooter dies. We pull over, try to restart it, it works for about five seconds and dies again. We try again, same results. Of course we are in the one place in Taiwan where there is not a scooter shop on that block. (Scooter shops are everywhere here! No joke, there is usually one every two blocks) We walk the scooter to the closest shop, and it turns out that the whole engine is shot. Eight hours after we sell our back up scooter, the one we kept is dead. We have never had any issues with our scooter before, other than a flat tire one day. So, here I was having to walk to work in the just shy of hundred degree heat with lots of fun humidity because our back up scooter is ours no longer. Thankfully repairs in Taiwan are quick, and on the scale of back home, cheap. We got our scooter back with the engine fixed (I dont actually know what they did), new brakes, and new tires within 24 hours. So we are back to scooting around, but we will not be taking that little mini vacation up to Taipei this weekend that we were hoping for. We were going to go hiking by a beautiful river only like 30 minutes away from Taipei, an easy day trip, but oh well!, another time. Oh, our bad luck! Our coworkers felt pretty bad too, although we told them they shouldn't. If that isnt the definition of irony, I dont know what is.

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