Thursday, August 12, 2010

Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall

We have not had much time to write, or really a whole lot of really interesting stuff to write about lately. We have been working a lot, along with all the little and big things associated with moving. We do not have internet yet (although we are somehow connected at the moment) so we havent been able to keep up with much. We have a place in Chang-Hua! It is a very nice place, if you dont take into account that we haven't figured out what all our light switches do, and some wiring does not work at all. However, we really like it and for anyone who is able to visit, you have room here! We are living in a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom (western bathrooms!) apartment, with a nice little bonus Japanese room! I love that even though it is about twice the size of our place in the States, we are paying less than $400 USD a month! This is not common in Taiwan, we are just in a small city. Even in Chang-Hua standards, it seems like we got a good deal. We hope to get up pictures as soon as possible. The place was pretty gross though when we moved in so we will not be posting pictures until we have had time to properly scour the place. Hopefully we will have time this weekend to get to things, as Matt has the whole weekend off and I only teach one class on Saturday!
Although we dont have any pictures of Chang-Hua yet, we still have some really cool stuff from Taipei. We went to Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall. It is an absolutely beautiful place, and huge, although it was way too hot to explore as much as we would like when we were there. It has the main building, with a huge statue of Chiang Kai Shek inside of it, and two buildings on both sides of the central walkway. The main hall has 89 stairs leading up to it, to commemorate the 89 years of his life, or so our tour guide for the afternoon (one of our trainers) told us. So I hope you like the pictures!

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