Thursday, July 22, 2010

Our First Post

Hi everyone!

We have arrived, are relatively well-rested, and enjoying ourselves in Taiwan so far! The flights over were horrendously long, but Matt says he really enjoyed seeing some cool airports. I dont particularly enjoy any aspects of flying, but it got us here so thats what counts. We haven't had a lot of time yet to explore, as we have been jet-lagged and my feet got swollen on the 14 hour flight from Chicago to Seoul. However, we have gotten to explore the area where our hotel is located, had some really good food, and been able to see some of the amazing sights Taipei has to offer. This morning we went to Taipei 101, currently the second tallest building in the world, where we travelled from the 5th floor all the way up to the 89th floor in 37 seconds. It has the Guinness Record for fastest elevators in the world at 1010 m/min. It was quite a trip! Even being relatively terrified of heights, I did not get scared in the least bit (except a bit before we even got on the elevator). The view was simply spectacular! The pictures can not describe how beautiful the mountains surrounding this massive city are. Matt thinks that without a doubt it was the single most spectacular thing he has ever seen.

Also, the heat here in Taipei is terrible. It has been hot and humid every day, and unlike back home in Minnesota, the temperature does not cool off that much in the evenings, at least during the summer months. Even last night around eleven, both Matt and I got really hot walking around looking for some food to eat. 7-Elevens are nearly around every corner here, it seems like there is one on every block. We have discovered cold tea that is bottled just like soda. They taste amazing and really quench your thirst when walking down the street. We had our first experience today with the MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) today. Matt has never been on a subway before, but we discovered that it is quite easy to figure out the maps and transfers and is very convenient. We got from near our hotel to Taipei 101 and back for around $2US. That's about it for now, check back frequently for updates.

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